1 & 2
I think I'm finally figuring it out
That's not true
But here's one more block
There are long term people
And there are short term people
Those who have paths that stretch miles
And miles and consider
Those miles and miles
And think about the miles
And miles behind
And then about how history
Repeats itself
And lays out even more miles
Based on past truths
Or lies
And then people
Who think in the moment
The unchanging
Perfectly here
Maybe without worry
Who decides which is better
Riley Welch
That's not true
But here's one more block
There are long term people
And there are short term people
Those who have paths that stretch miles
And miles and consider
Those miles and miles
And think about the miles
And miles behind
And then about how history
Repeats itself
And lays out even more miles
Based on past truths
Or lies
And then people
Who think in the moment
The unchanging
Perfectly here
Maybe without worry
Who decides which is better
Riley Welch