Thank goodness for these people
Though they may be here but a second
Thank goodness for their goodness
For their caring
For their split second hugs and hot coffees
Thank goodness for these people
For their ability to listen
And their ability to ramble
And thank goodness for these people
Knowing I need the distraction
Agreeing to be the distraction from the real world
Thank goodness for these people
For laughing
And lifting
And just for caring
Because I know people care
But from all angles of your life, it is so unique
Thank goodness for these people
All of these people
All around me
Inhabiting cracks of my life I didn’t know I was lonely
Thank goodness for these people
And all that they do
And all that they want to do
And all that they couldn’t do
But that they really tried to do.
Thank goodness for these people.
Riley Welch